Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rain, Rain, F**KING Go Away Already!

Today is an exception. The sun is actually shining in Saint Louis today. For now. The forecast for the next week looks something like this: sun today, rain, rain, sun, rain, rain, rain. Which translates to: what in the hell else can I do with my toddler? Indoors?

This winter seemed to be worse than years past, but that might have just been because I didn't have a toddler to entertain back then. Yeah. The good old days.

That's only a half joke.

Eliot and I (and sometimes Bronte and/or Parris) have been to one child-friendly coffee shop or another probably four of the last 7 days. That's a a lotta lattes. (Please forgive that last sentence, I'm still high on a Splenda buzz). We're not even meeting other people for organized play dates. I just need to get out of the house, and be around people who are talking. Adult words and thoughts talk.

By now, the temperature in St. Louis is on average 9000 degrees with a gabillion percent humidity. Approximately. But lately it's just been chilly and wet and blah. Not at all conducive to long walks in the park, hours at the playground swinging and talking with my mom friends, sitting on the porch waiting for daddy to come home and counting bunnies, or going to the zoo all morning. Not at all.

So, hear me, oh ye gods of spring! Let's pick up the pace! We are ready for your shining sun, your warm breezes, your allowance of flip-flops as acceptable footwear! Bring it!


Anonymous said...

Oh how I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

And I miss you...

Anonymous said...


Me? A Mom? said...

I've been contemplating whether an ark would be a good idea right about now. What I wouldn't give for a sunny warm day. Poor Lila probably is developing rickets as I speak.

Meghan said...

I am so tired of the rain too. I need sunshine! The boys feel differently though. They love to put on their boots and go stomping through the puddles.