Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I thought I should try and get one more post in for 2009.

New Year's Eve has always been one of my least favorite holidays. Aside from the plentiful availability of a variety of delicious dips, I could never get over the pressure of having to have the best night ever! and was relieved to find out that as a parent there is absolutely no pressure to have any fun whatsoever ever again.

So we're staying in. Eliot is snuggled in bed (though whether or not he is asleep is uncertain). We have wine and chocolate covered pretzels, which for me qualifies any night for the best night ever. We're going to watch The Hangover and I'm hoping I laugh at least until we have to pause it so I don't literally pee my pants.

For all my friends, family, and readers, I hope that you are all safe and warm and with at least some of those you love tonight. Here's to another year!


Lauren Snyder said...

It is one of the funniest movies I have watched in a LONG time.. I laughed the whole way through!

Elizabeth Fleming said...

Happy happy New Year to all of you Heather! It is nice to not have the "best night ever" pressure, isn't it? I'm with you on a good night at home. Here's to 2010!