Thursday, April 30, 2009

Suzy Homemaker

Last week before the incident, I went into kind of a baking frenzy. I made, from scratch, for the first time ever, homemade (did I mention they were also handmade?) bread rolls. With yeast. AND FLOUR.

After hours of rising, they are ready for the oven.

The finished product.

There is nothing more satisfying that watching your child enjoy something you worked hard to make!

We also had a huge crop of brown bananas that I didn't want to banish to the back of the freezer with false hopes of bread and muffins, so I set to work. I went a little overboard and ended up with about 2 dozen muffins, far more than our little family could eat. I put them in a container on the counter and Justin took some to work to share. I should have just put the leftovers in the freezer.

And then we were invaded and I had to empty my pantry to protect our dry goods. I tried my best to 'organize' all the remaining food, but was forced to stack some things. And I forgot about the muffins. Until now:

Muffins anyone?

What a cute little bunny! I mean, what? I know it's kind of a hard to see in this picture (I'm still figuring out my camera) but this muffin seems to have sprouted a little cotton tail. It looks like actual hair. It's gross, I know, but at least I'm not posting a picture of a RAT BIGGER THAN A KITTEN.


South City Studio said...

Girl...I just read the rat post and almost had a panic attack! You poor thing. Go get a big old tom cat right now.

Looks like your Suzy Homemaker stuff is going pretty well too! :) Yay you!