Aww Shucks
You've probably already seen this video of Feist singing on Sesame Street. Cara of Me? A Mom? clued me into it awhile ago, as Lila had decided upon seeing it that the woman on the screen was 'Miss Heather'. When Eliot saw it recently, he agreed that the lady singing was 'Mommy'. So thanks guys. The weird thing about this song: every time I watch it, I get a little misty-eyed. I'm not really sure what it is, I mean, she's singing about chickens just back from the shore, tears are really not necessary.
And yes, people of the Internet, I do look just like this. Oh, and I sing like this too.
That clip is super-cute, but I wish I could get this one out of my head. This guy is weird enough -- but I admit, the slow-motion "triangle love" scene makes me laugh.
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