Introducing: Lola Butter
Apparently I'm not the only one toying with the idea of growing this family from three to four. (When I told Justin I thought I had baby fever, he advised me to take a Tylenol.) I picked up this baby doll for E's birthday back in February, but decided that I hated the way she smelled. Seriously, it's a putrid combination of baby powder and old lady perfume and it's infused into every molecule of her chubby plastic shell. Justin was just really creeped out by her, specifically her unending stare. She must have been packed away for the move, and I just found baby girl last night in a vain attempt to try and organize the 'office' so we can paint. I had every intention of donating her to the toy pile at the Hartford, but Eliot saw her and of course fell in love. What could we do? You can't choose your child's happiness.
She has been dubbed 'Lola' as E is very good with pronouncing names with l's like Lila and Lala and Ella. And because she seems a little saucy.

Oh Eliot. You're so freakin' cute. Damn.
how sweet! he will make an excellent brother!
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